Professional Development
Interested in training for your center? Contact us!
Inquiry Based & Reggio Inspired Learning for the 21st Century Classroom
This workshop introduces school leaders to the DOC: Innovation by Design curriculum
and DOC Learning framework. The framework is a blended methodology built on the
pillars of Reggio Inspired learning and the inquiry based approach. School leaders will
be driving curriculum in their school communities, and this background knowledge and
theory prepares them to train teachers and educate families.
Innovation By Design: The power of STEAM
This workshop is a deep dive for teachers into the DOC: Innovation by Design
curriculum. Teachers will work alongside authors and master teachers to learn best
practices and fully utilize the lesson plans and curriculum.
Natural Materials and Nurturing Environments
This workshop trains teachers in creating their own Community Learning Environment,
with children, as outlined in the orientation module of the DOC: Innovation by Design
curriculum. The incorporation of natural materials and setting up the environment as the
third teacher are pillars of Reggio inspired learning.
Curriculum Documentation and Family Communication
This workshop trains teachers in creating documentation boards, a staple of the DOC:
Innovation by Design curriculum and Reggio inspired methodology. Creation of boards
with children is an not only an educational experience, but also a crucial component of
family engagement and communication.
Incorporating Observational Assessments
This workshop trains teachers in tying observational assessments to the DOC:
Innovation by Design curriculum lessons and learning objectives. Understanding the
benchmarks highlighted in each lesson of the curriculum will empower teachers to
differentiate learning to meet their children’s needs and improve the quality of family
conferences and communication.